Attention Members.
The Annual General Meeting of SA Police Legacy Inc. will be held in the Fenwick Room, The Police Club, 27 Carrington Street, Adelaide, commencing at 4.30 pm on Monday, 16 November 2020.
Changes to the constitution will be tabled as ‘Special Resolutions’ in the Agenda and have been outlined below.
- Opening of meeting
- Apologies
- Confirmation of minutes of meeting on 18 November 2019
- Reports:
- President’s report
- Treasurer’s report
- Appointment of auditors
- Appointment of Life Members
- Nominations: Mr Costa Anastasiou
- Liaison Officer’s report
- Elections
Four elected Board positions are to be filled at the meeting.
Jodi-Lee Black, Glenn Thomson and Samanda Attard have indicated their intention to renominate. Jane O’Connor has resigned from her position and we thank Jane for her contributions over the past 2-years.
Written nominations (new candidates must be nominated by two members and the candidate must indicate a willingness to stand) must be received by the Manager by 5pm on 7th October 2020. A notice to members, of all nominees, will be published in the Gazette on 21st October 2020 including voting instructions if required.
- Special Resolutions
6.1 Rules amendment – change of references to Wards
To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution as a special resolution:
‘That the Rules of SA Police Legacy Inc be, and the same are hereby, amended, with effect immediately after the end of the 2020 AGM of SA Police Legacy Inc, as follows:
(a) Substitute the following definition for the definition of ‘Ward’ in Rule 2.38:
“Young Legatee’ means the Child of a Member;”;
(b) Change all references to “Ward” to “Young Legatee” and all references to “Wards” to “Young Legatees”.
(See explanatory note 1)
6.2 Rules amendment – removal of cap on discretionary approved duration in relation to non-police spouses/partner who have died
To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution as a special resolution:
‘That the Rules of SA Police Legacy Inc be, and the same are hereby, amended, with effect immediately after the end of the 2020 AGM of SA Police Legacy Inc, by deleting the words ‘and not exceeding 3 years’ from rule 2.5.3.’
(See explanatory note 2)
For board nomination forms
Board nominations must be submitted and received, via email, to the Manager using the Nomination Form Elected Board Director 2020 and will not be accepted via any other form. Submissions and/or questions can be emailed to Karen Cucchiarelli, Manager. S.A. Police Legacy, email Board nominations strictly close 5pm 7th October 2020.
If anyone would like to vote via Proxy please contact Karen Cucchiarelli for a form on the email above. Please note that proxy votes are on Special Resolutions only and NOT board director elections.
Explanatory notes in relation to proposed Rules amendments
- SA Police Legacy currently refers to a ‘Legatee’ as the spouse/partner of a deceased member and to the child of a deceased member as a ‘Ward’. Clause 38 of our Constitution states ‘“Ward” means the Child of a Member’. However, historically ‘Ward’ was a term used in South Australia to describe a child under the guardianship of a state government child welfare authority. The Board therefore considers that it is not desirable to continue use to use the term ‘Ward’, and recommends that the Constitution be amended to replace it with the term ‘Young Legatee’.)
- SA Police Legacy currently offers varying levels of social and financial support to police families when they have experienced a loss of a spouse/partner/child. At present there is a limit of 3 years on the period of support that can be offered to a serving SA police officer who experiences the loss of a non-police spouse/partner. The Board considers that the cap can operate inequitably and may be inconsistent with SA Police Legacy’s values of providing care and support to a police family which has been affected by bereavement. The Board therefore recommends that the Constitution be amended to remove the cap. Removal of the cap will not have a significant impact on the financial situation of SA Police Legacy.
All SA Police Legacy members (serving or retired SA police officers) are welcome to attend and vote on the day.
Minutes from the 2019 Annual General Meeting are visible here – AGM 2019 MINUTES.