Our Board

The board of SA Police Legacy is composed of five to seven elected and three appointed directors. The board oversees the governance and strategic direction of the charity and is responsible for delivering the corporate goals of the organisation.


Kellie Watkins

Matt Nairn

Matt Nairn

Vice President
Costa Anastasiou

Costa Anastasiou

Police Credit Union Representative

Annette Gilbert

Elected member
Julian Snowden

Julian Snowden

Police Association of South Australia Representative
Karen C

Karen Cucchiarelli

Company Secretary
Mark Willing

Mark Willing

Elected Member

Nicholas Minge

Elected Member
Board member Peter Graham

Peter Graham OAM

Elected Member
Board member Tom

Tom Nyenhuis APM

Elected Member
Peter Shannahan

Peter Shanahan

Appointed Member
Police-Commissioner Grant Stevens

Our Patron

Grant Stevens APM LEM has been Commissioner of South Australia Police since July 2015 and has over 30 years of general and specialist policing experience including more than a decade as a member of SAPOL’s senior executive. 

Commissioner Stevens is the patron of SA Police Legacy and we are grateful for his ongoing support.