Donations & Bequests

We are entirely funded by the generosity of our community and all donations, big or small, make a difference. There are several ways to donate:
- Online
- In person at a Police Credit Union branch or at our Adelaide office
- With a cheque via post
- Via direct bank deposit:
- SA Police Legacy
BSB No: 805 005 (Police Credit Union)
Account No: 5125831
Reference – (your name)
- SA Police Legacy
SA Police employees are able to donate via fortnightly payroll deductions. For more information, see our resources page or contact us.
All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.
In Memoriam
SA Police Legacy gratefully accept donations in memory of family and friends.
Donation envelopes are available in our office or through your funeral director.
Funeral directors requiring reply paid envelopes supporting SA Police Legacy can contact our office.

Supporting SA Police Legacy with a bequest is a powerful way to help us support police families for years to come. Donations and bequests enable us to continue to provide valuable services, including financial assistance for children after a parent passes away, social and emotional support for those bereaved, and easing the burden on police officers facing serious illness or injury. Your gift – no matter how big or small – ensures someone is always there when police families need it most.
If you would like to include a gift to SA Police Legacy in your will, we offer our heartfelt thanks. Please speak to your lawyer or download the information sheet on our resources page for an overview of how you can help.