Retired Members
We provide ongoing communication and support to retired sworn South Australia Police officers.
All retired sworn members are automatically members of SA Police Legacy.
- You can donate through Police Super – just give them a call and let them know the fortnightly amount you would like to donate.
- You can make regular donations via bank transfer.
- You can donate via our donation page.

We Support You
Support to retired members is available through:
- Updates with news and events in the police community
- Support for your spouse/partner (if applicable)
It isn’t something anyone likes to think about, but be assured that if you pass away, we will be there to support your loved one - We will welcome your spouse/partner into the SA Police Legacy community, providing connection, support and friendships with other legatees at coffee catch ups, lunches, dinners, events and holidays
- We will provide financial support so that your spouse/partner can update their will
- We will provide invaluable emotional support to your spouse/partner when they need it most
Support Us
There are a number of ways you can support us, including donations, fundraising activities, volunteering and bequests.
Visit our Get Involved page for more information.

“When Police Legacy was introduced (over 30 years ago) serving members could allocate 50 cents per pay via Police Credit Union deductions. Many joined and underpinned the financial foundation of the organisation. Time has moved on and the contribution has increased with inflation. It is still a cheap and effective way to protect your family, and other families within the police profession. As a founding member one wishes to be assured funds provided do make a difference.
At a recent gathering I was aware of a legatee being present. I inquired of the experience SA Police Legacy had provided. The legatee was praiseworthy of SA Police Legacy and advised of having received assistance over the years which included, in a financial sense; education expenses including laptop computers replaced regularly, driving school expenses, and financial grants including assistance with exchange student costs with a lengthy European stay. Personal matters included recognition at significant times and anniversaries. Having a resource for personal consultation was also appreciated. I was pleased to receive this information which confirmed to me that my funds were well placed.”
Charlie Rumbelow, retired sergeant and founder of SA Police Legacy