Notice of board director nominees 2024

Attention Members,


The Annual General Meeting of SA Police Legacy Inc. will be held in the boardroom of SA Police Legacy, 286 Gilbert St, Adelaide and commences at 4:30pm on Monday 21st October 2024.


It is announced that seven (7) nominations have been received for the four (4) positions available. In accordance with Rule 16 Election of board members of the SA Police Legacy Constitution dated April 2023, the following seven nominations have been received. In accordance with Rule 16.7 ‘If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, a ballot will be held.’, a member vote is required.

Nominees (alphabetically) are:

  • Annette Gilbert
  • Robert Gregory
  • Simon Lloyd
  • Nicholas Minge
  • Matthew Nairn (retired police officer)
  • Glenn Thomson (retired police officer)
  • Kellie Watkins

All nominee bios are available here: Board director nominees BIOs

Voters are encouraged to read each nominee’s bio to assist with decision making. 


Members are required to vote online, using this link:

Voting is open from 8am Wednesday 2nd October 2024 and closes 5pm, Wednesday 16th October 2024. Members are entitled to one vote only (members are sworn serving or retired police officers only).

Enquiries relating to voting or the AGM can be sent to Karen Cucchiarelli, Manager SA Police Legacy, email