Kokoda Trip – April 2019

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In April 2019, SA Police Legacy Ward Tom Koerner and President, Mark Willing embarked on a 10 day trip to hike the Kokoda Trail. In the hands of Our Spirit, the team of over 40 national Police Legacy representatives challenged themselves to the grueling 90km of treacherous conditions. This opportunity was embraced by our police ward, Tom, who was successful in gaining a position on the trip after an in-depth recruitment process. Both Tom and Mark have returned home, slightly lighter, yet full of life changing memories that has given them a whole new perspective in life.

Here is what President Mark Willing had to say and he’s shared some photos too:

‘I hope you enjoy these photos from the Kokoda Trek and what an unbelievable experience it was.  The Trek itself is physically challenging, but the journey, new friendships and learnings about the diggers far outweighed our tired legs at the end of every day.  For Tom Koerner, our Legacy Ward, this journey provided a wonderful opportunity to bond with other wards from around the nation and I know he is grateful to SA Police Legacy for the opportunity of this once in a lifetime experience.’


Kokoda Trail 2019 Kokoda Trail 2019 - Mark and Tom Kokoda Trail 2019 - Mark and Tom Kokoda Trail 2019 Kokoda Trail 2019 Kokoda Trail 2019 - Mark and Tom